Youth centre Vratsa took part in the international social project organized under the motto “Children help children” which secure presents for 218 children and youngsters in the risk of social exclusion from the villages Mihailovo, Kravoder and Rakevo.
The initiative is part of the project “Convoy of Christmas presents” 2020 in which young people from Germany give presents to their peers from different European countries to bring them joy in the upcoming Holidays.
After an invitation from the organizers for our region, Youth Center Vratsa decided to join this campaign by initiating and organizing the distribution and transport of 218 presents to three villages in Vratsa region. The realization of this exciting project for us is already underway. Today our team delivered most of the gifts to Goran Chervenyashki Primary School in Mihailovo and tomorrow the presents will be transported to the villages of Kravoder and Rakevo. Thus, the Youth Center becomes part of numerous organizations and institutions throughout the country, engaged in this noble initiative, including the Municipality of Vratsa, which will provide about 1,100 gifts to children from various settlements in the area.