Yesterday was our Earth Day event - Youth Center Vratsa

Yesterday was our Earth Day event

Yesterday was our Earth Day event. The first activity was a Pop-Up Park, which aimed to provoke young people and residents of the city of Vratsa to think about the environmental problems that surround us and how we can be part of the solution, not the problems. The young people from the club “Trans-border power” held an activity where they wanted to explain to their peers what the benefits of separate collection are, and then youth workers from the Youth Center – Vratsa facilitated a process of generating ideas and suggestions on how to improve awareness of the benefits from separate collection and recycling. The weather was cold, but that didn’t stop us from working productively. The weather was cold, but that didn’t stop us from working productively. Then we went back to the Youth Center and finished our discussion on the topic.

The generated proposals will be described and collected in a document, which we at the Youth Center – Vratsa will present to the interested parties. After heated discussions, we also watched the movie “Wind2Win” together. It is dedicated to the pollution of our waters and seas by plastic. The event was held with great interest. The evening ended with a fire show by the Fuego band.

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