Yesterday, the presentation of the board game "Pick-A- Pic", developed by Petar Georgiev from Vratsa, took place in the Youth Center - Vratsa - Youth Center Vratsa

Yesterday, the presentation of the board game “Pick-A- Pic”, developed by Petar Georgiev from Vratsa, took place in the Youth Center – Vratsa

Yesterday, the presentation of the board game “Pick-A- Pic”, developed by Petar Georgiev from Vratsa, took place in the Youth Center – Vratsa.

The game is based on the world famous game “GuessWho”. What is different about it is that the playing field is on a mobile application, which allows adding personal photos and connecting up to 12 players. The event is organized by the club “All-A-Board Games Vratsa” and the publishing house “Ardila Board Games”. More than 20 young people took part in the testing, and two prototypes were won by raffle.

We thank Petar Georgiev and everyone who came and made this event a wonderful experience!

If you also want to develop your own board game Board Game Jam Vol. 3 awaits you! Sign up now!

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