On the occasion of the 26th of June, International Day against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking, upon the invitation of the Municipality of Borovan, together with one of our volunteers, Ivan Bardarski, we entered several schools to conduct a prevention and information campaign dedicated to the fight against various drug addictions. During the event, we informed students from “Otets Paisii” Primary School, “Kosta Petrov” Vocational School of Transportation – s. Borovan; Primary School “St. Petrov”; Secondary School “St. Cyril and Methodius” – village. Malorad and Sts. St. Cyril and Methodius – village of. Dobrolevo for different types of drugs. Through interactive activities with the young people, we discussed different forms of addiction, types of drugs and their harmful effects on the human body. We are grateful to PIC – Vratsa for the brochures we provided and distributed to all students. We are also grateful for the warm welcome in schools and the activity of their pupils.
The campaign against drug use is part of the activities implemented under Project BGLD – 1.003 – 0004 “Youth Centre Vratsa – a factor for the development of the North-West”, funded through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.
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