Today, young people from the board games club "All A-board games Vratsa" at the Youth Center - Vratsa held the board games for children and youth in the village of Zgorigrad for the first time - Youth Center Vratsa

Today, young people from the board games club “All A-board games Vratsa” at the Youth Center – Vratsa held the board games for children and youth in the village of Zgorigrad for the first time

Today, young people from the board games club “All A-board games Vratsa” at the Youth Center – Vratsa held the board games for children and youth in the village of Zgorigrad for the first time. Participants played various and exciting games like DiXit, Coup, Drop it, Dobble and many more. The halls are already cramped for us, that’s why we are outside, and not anywhere in front of the People’s Community Center “Probuda 1926” Zgorigrad, which is surrounded by the wonderfully beautiful Balkans of Vratsa. We want to express our gratitude to the community workers, the work of this beautiful place and to the young people and children who turned our weekday into a holiday!

The event is part of the activities of the board games club “All A-board games Vratsa” at the Youth Center – Vratsa under Project BGLD – 1.003 – 0004 “Youth Center Vratsa – a factor for the development of the North-West”, financed through the Financial Mechanism of the EEA 2014- 2021.

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