Today, part of the team of the Youth Center - Vratsa held an informal training on "Volunteering and youth spaces" in the village of Oselna - Youth Center Vratsa

Today, part of the team of the Youth Center – Vratsa held an informal training on “Volunteering and youth spaces” in the village of Oselna

Today, part of the team of the Youth Center – Vratsa held an informal training on “Volunteering and youth spaces” in the village of Oselna! It was attended by young people from the village of Oselna, the village of Zli Dol and the village of Zverino. It aimed to familiarize young people with basic concepts and principles in the youth sphere through interactive activities. Young people shared their understanding of the nature of volunteering and learned about different types of youth spaces. Together, we drew up a plan for the implementation of follow-up activities on the youth initiatives in the village of Zli Dol and the village of Oselna, which they are implementing, and we agreed that this would be only the first of a series of trainings. Thank you all for your active participation and enthusiasm!

The training is part of the activities of the youth initiative of the “Friends” team from the village of Oselna, implemented under the project BGLD – 1.003 – 0004 “Vratsa Youth Center – a factor for the development of the North-West”, financed through the Financial Mechanism of the EEA 2014-2021.

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