Non-formal activities for dealing with aggression - Youth Center Vratsa

Non-formal activities for dealing with aggression

On the 11 of May 2021, part of the team organized and implemented non-formal educational activities. Participants in the training were students from 11 and 12 grade from the Professional School on Mechanization of Agriculture Mezdra. The topic of the event was aggression and all its forms. During the non-formal activities, the young people had the opportunities to understand the different forms of aggression. They were informed how to prevent it and how to cope with it. The young people after the event were satisfied with the results.
The non-formal training is part of the planned activities in Project BGLD – 1.003 – 0004 “Youth Center Vratsa – a factor for the development of the Northwest”, funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

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